CBCT and OPG/ Lateral Ceph Licensing and Interpretation Courses - Free Ads classified ad logo
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CBCT and OPG/ Lateral Ceph Licensing and Interpretation Courses

URL: https://www.cbctopglicensing.com.au/

Looking for CBCT and OPG Courses Online in Australia?
Dr Amar Sholapurkar BDS, MDS (Oral Medicine and Radiology) offering comprehensive CBCT and OPG courses online at an affordable price.

Assisting dental professionals to learn more on the interpretation of CBCT and OPG images. Dental courses available at your convenience and at any time online.

We offer specialised courses, practical instruction, and assistance with image interpretation. Online courses are open to dentists, dental therapists, oral health therapists, as well as other dental professionals. Kickstart your dental radiology experience so you can fabricate perfect fitting restorations.

Our Courses:

• OPG/Lateral Ceph Licensing Course

• CBCT Licensing Course

• 2D Radiographic Interpretation Course

• Interpretation of CBCT

Visit: https://www.cbctopglicensing.com.au/

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CBCTOPGLicensing (Business) ,phone icon +61 455254361
CBCT and OPG/ Lateral Ceph Licensing and Interpretation Courses

Posted on: 12/13/22 , Total Visits: 329
CBCT and OPG/ Lateral Ceph Licensing and Interpretation Courses

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